Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Prep 10

1 set

:30/Side Banded Distracted Hamstring

:30/side Banded Distracted Pec Stretch

2 sets

400M Ski or Row

40 yds/Side Single Arm Overhead KB Carry

10 Alt 90/90 Hip Flow

2 Sets

10 Band Pull Aparts

10 Band Pass Throughs

10 Band Overhead Squats

Overhead Squat (#1: 5 reps
#2: 5 reps
#3: 5 reps
#4: 5 reps
#5: 5 reps
#6: 5 reps)

Every 2:00 for 6 sets execute 5 reps

RPE 15/20

These reps should be challenging but you should feel like there are 2 reps left in each set.

Squat Run Up (Time)

6 rounds for time:

10 Overhead Squat (95/65lb.)

100m Run

5 Bar Muscle Up

14:00 Time Cap
Score total time. Scale your weight to something you can do unbroken for the first 2 rounds at minimum. It should feel “light” when the workout begins.

Bar muscle up can be scaled to jumping bar muscle up, banded bar muscle up or a burpee + chest to bar/pull up.