
Beginner women’s CrossFit 6 week class starting up again Oct 2nd!

Rowing clinic Sept 23rd at 9 (will be included in our 9 am class). Come learn from Collegiate rower Kate! You won’t want to miss it

Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Warm Up

3 rounds for quality

1:00 jump rope skills

10x Standing high knee pull into chest (5 each)

10 High knee side pull (5 each)

10 Spiderman (5 each side)

10 Straight leg kick (5 each)

10 Scorpion

10 Toe pops (light jump from toes with slight knee bend, right when you land jump again, should feel similar to jumping rope but a much higher effort resulting in a higher jump)

Clean Complex (EMOTM x 10 minutes

1 Deadlift
2 Touch and go power clean
2 Shoulder to overhead)

Goal is to build to a heavy of today’s complex.

Classic Remix (Time)

For time:



Thruster (155/105lb.)

Rope Climb
Scale to something that you can get to 21 in 2 sets.

Sub strict pull ups for rope climbs:
