Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Warm up

Warm Up:

3 rounds

7/5 Cal Row or Bike

20 Shoulder tap


2 rounds

1 Wall Walk

5 Strict hanging leg raise or Toe to bar (strict)

5 Kipping Swing

5 kipping knees to chest

Push Press (In 12:00 Build to a heavy set of 3 Push press!)

Push Press (IN 12 MIN Find your 1RM)

Hands to the Sky! (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

RXConditioning (RX+):

12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (50/35lb.)

Toes to bar

Intermediate (RX):

12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (35/20lb.)

Hanging leg raise/ Knee’s to chest

Baseline (Scale):

12:00 AMRAP


Double DB Push press (20/10lb.)

Lying leg Raise (hold to rig or KB overhead)

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Lateral Bridge Rotation

3×10 each side (unweighted or with DB of choice)

Goal is to really reach free arm as far under body as possible each rep.