
Yoga will be held Saturday March 23rd at 8 am

Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Warm Up (No Measure)

3:00 bike or Row


3 rounds

10x hinge + squat

10 Walking lunge + overhead reach

10 Hollow Rock

10 Superman


2 rounds

10 light single arm deadlift (each side)

10 step up

Pioneer (Time)

RXConditioning (RX+):

600 Step ups for time. (20’)

*one partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count. The other partner must be holding a 53/35lb. KB in the farmer carry position.

Intermediate (RX):

500 Step ups for time. (20’)

*One partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count. The other partner must be holding a 35/20. KB in the farmer carry position.

Baseline (Scale):

300 Step ups for time. (20’)

*One partner working at a time on step ups, in order for them to count. The other partner must be holding a 20/15lb.. KB in the farmer carry position.

Cool Down (Checkmark)

Banded good morning


Banded push up

3x max reps (-1) *not quite to failure.