Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Prep 7

3 sets

10 Scapular Pull Up

40 yds KB Front Rack Carry

30 yds/Side SA KB Overhead Carry

2 sets

:60 erg

10/Side 3 Way Lunge

10 Kang Squat with Over head reach

1 Set

15 reps Wall Facing Banded Muscle Snatch

(Bar path refinement)

Inverted Skills (Checkmark)

Skill work

10:00 in inverted skills

– handstand hold free or wall

– Handstand walk

– Handstand shoulder tap free or wall

– Pirouette practice (90/180/360)

Deadlift (#1: 3 reps
#2: 3 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 3 reps
#5: 3 reps)

Every 2:00 for 5 sets execute 3 reps

RPE 17/20, we want all these sets to be working sets today. It should feel like you are close to capping out at this rep scheme each set. Maybe there is another rep in there? If you know there is more than 1, the set is too light.

Wet Noodle (Time)

For time:

Deadlift (315/225lb.)


Wall Walk


Time cap: 10:00
Score total time. This is to be a fast workout. If the prescribed load for you can’t be done 12+ unbroken then it’s too heavy. You should be able to break up 21 into 3 sets with short rest and still get done in under 1:00.

Shoulder Accessory 3 (Checkmark)

Accumulate 2-3 minutes of ring support

*Top of ring dip position focusing on shoulders being depressed away from ears throughout. Break this up in order to keep the “hold” quality.

Scale time down, or scale to the top of a push up position.