Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Prep 14

3 sets

20/15 Cal Ski or Row

5/Side Over and Under (something to duck under and step over, bar or band)

5/ PVC or Band Around The World

5/Side Hawaiian Squat

Shuttle’s and Stuff (Time)

3 rounds for time:

10 x 25ft. shuttle run (out and back is 1)

20 Burpee Pull Up

30/24 Cal Row

40 Kettlebell swing (53/35lb.)

Time Cap: 28:00 minutes
Score total time. This is a long grinder on a Saturday!

Turtle Shell (Time)

4 rounds for time:

15 GHD sit up (or 25 abmat sit up)

20 V Up
Nasty, redundant ab work. Soreness will likely follow a couplet like this. Scale back if you don’t do much GHD Work.

Shoulder Accessory 1 (Checkmark)

3 rounds for quality:

10 Ring Row

10 Ring Face Pull
Move well, adjust your feet so that the difficulty for the reps is only about 12/20 and work full range of the shoulder and squeeze each rep at the highest point.