
Next Oly class Sept 2nd at 8 am

Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Prep 9

2 -3 sets

:60 Erg Bike, Row Or Ski

5/ Side Reverse Lunges

7 Scapular Ring Row

:20 Handstand Hold

:20 KB Front Rack Hold

Sott’s Press (#1: 5 reps
#2: 5 reps
#3: 5 reps)
Focus on quality here, elevate your heels to help get your torso more vertical. The focus isn’t necessarily on load but on your functional flexibility and your ability to the movement well.

Loaded (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

20:00 AMRAP

5 Power Clean (155/105lb.)

7 toes to bar

9 V up
You should look at the prescribed work and have the ability to accomplish it in under 1:00. That doesn’t mean the goal work is 20 rounds at all, just understand that the cardiovascular and local muscle endurance should limit you over time, not your ability to do the movements at all, scale accordingly.

12+ rounds should be a solid goal for most when scaling is attacked accordingly.