
Next Oly class Sept 2nd at 8 am

Ben Lomond CrossFit – Group Class

Prep 3 “Oly”

Spend 5-10 mins

Tissue Prep

Foam Roll: Lats, Upper Back, T-Opener, IT, Glutes

Shoulder Prep: Kneeling Book, Kneeling circles on Wall 5ea R/L for both movements

2 sets Warm Up

10 Alt Spiderman + Thoracic Rotation

5inch worms

10 Alt BirdPeckers

10 Air Squats

1 set

Burgener Warmup

5- reps each movement

Box Squats (Weight)

#1: 3 reps
#2: 3 reps
#3: 3 reps
#4: 3 reps
#5: 3 reps
#6: 3 reps
Speed box squats.

Today the goal is to control the way you sit to the box and stand as fast as possible.

The loading should be between 14-15/20 RPE, focus on bar speed not the load. If you move too slow, today you’ll lose the gains.

2:00 rest after each superset.

Vertical Jump (Checkmark)

Training this jump correctly brings speed and power to the lower body. Reset between each rep. Each jump must be maximal effort.


Vertical Jump:

Launch (Time)

5 Rounds:

8 Lunge Jump

8/6 Cal Row

8 Wallball (20/14) (10/9ft.)

1:00 Rest
Score total time.

Today’s conditioning is similar to the strength work. We are developing power expression and conditioning of the lower body. Make the Lunge jumps as high as you can, row powerfully and be sure the wallballs can be done unbroken.

Core Work (Time)

75 Sit ups for time.
Focus on speed here.